At the January 30 Rotary Meeting, Bruce Schultes and Richard Hawker attended the meeting to tell our club about Disaster Aid USA, a Rotary-based organization offering additional aid when natural disasters hit.
DAUSA goal is to build a significant humanitarian aid organization that provides immediate relief to those victims when disasters strike. DAUSA is not a First Responder. Its role is “Mucking and Gutting”, tarping roofs, chain-sawing, debris removal, helping prep meals, cooking, etc. DAUSA prides itself on being transparent, accountable with the objects of Rotary as its Foundation.
The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is proud to support this organization. Learn how you can help by donating or volunteering.
(From left to right) Rotarian Don Richmond, Disaster Aid USA Technical Director Richard Hawker, Disaster Response Committee Chair Bruce Schultes, Rotarians Whitney Delcourt, Michele Sanchez, Penni Moening, Elizabeth Jones, Erin Bogar, Gina Webber, Dick Bullwinkle, Mike Thompson and Rotary President Shane Kading.

Club Business

During the January 30 meeting, we also attended to club business. We elected the following positions, whose terms will begin in July:
President: Whitney Delcourt
President Elect: Penni Moening
Secretary: Erin Bogar
Treasurer: Don Richmond
We discussed Committees and decided on chairpersons as well. Want to join a committee? Contact Shane Kading or one of the following chairs!
  • Service (Rowland Funk & Gina Webber)
  • Flags (Jerry Alford & Dick Bullwinkle)
  • Marketing (Wendy Haun & Evon Lusk)
  • Membership (Penni Moening)
  • RYLA / Scholarship (Shane Kading)
  • Programming (Linda Bullwinkle)
  • Finance (Don Richmond)